Name : Alessandra Corine Ambrósio
Birthdate : April 11, 1981
Birthplace : Erechim, Brazil
Alessandra Corine Ambrósio is a Brazilian model and actress. Ambrosio is best known for her work with Victoria's Secret and was chosen as the first spokesmodel for the company's "PINK" line. Alessandra Go to world modeled after becoming one of the 20 finalists of the Elite Model Lock in 1996 in Brazil . at the age of 14 years . although not win , but , Elite models offered her a contract to be a model apprentice for a year . Beauty Alessandra Ambrosio drove him into " 100 Most Beautiful People in the World" issue of People magazine May 2007. In addition, women 33 years who claimed to like traveling to Bali is also listed as a Model of the Month versions of FMD ( Fashion Model Directory) in December 2007 .
Alessandra was appointed as an ambassador for people with a rare disease called multiple sclerosis ( multiple sclerosis ) . He represents a non -profit organization National Multiple Sclerosis Society , based in New York , USA .
In 2012 , a model that has a nickname Ale occupying the 6th position in the list of models with the highest income according to Forbes magazine . Income in a year is estimated at 6.6 million US Dollars .
Ambrosio has been engaged to Jamie Mazur , who is a businessman since 2008. The couple has two children namely Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur ( August 24, 2008 ) and Noah Phoenix Ambrosio Mazur ( May 7, 2012 ) .
Filmography :
2006 - Casino Royale
2016 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half Shell
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