Profile and Biography of Bill Gates

Name : William Henry Gates III

Date of Birth : Oktober 28 ,  1955

Places of Birth : Seattle, Washington

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. His father William H Gates, Sr. Is a lawyer and his mother named Mary Maxwell Gates was a member of the board of directors of First Interstate Banc System. So Bill Gates is the son of the family that there was even a rumor is enough if his grandfather is a millionaire anyway wherein when Bill Gates was born, he legally has got a rich heritage of his grandfather quota by 1 million dollars. Bill Gates is the second child of four children, but he holds a degree Gates Gates III because the third generation. The first is his grandfather, that both his father and the third himself. So the title of the birth sequence Gates III is not yet lineage to three of the family Gates. Bill Gates has shown little intelligence, he schooled a very prestigious school that is Lakeside School is a special school guy who is very famous and modern. Although Bill Gates is rich kid and since birth has become a millionaire through ration inheritance from his grandfather (according to Forbes called rich man is a person who has a net worth of at least $ 1 million, so Bill Gates baby is one of them), but Bill Gates is not a child fast complacency. Her parents instill that he should have a unique intelligence that will later take him to success better life.
Bill Gates schools get extra lessons computer, then all things are studying computer is very rare, exclusive and expensive. Gates and his friends are very interested in computer programming using BASIC programming language. Sangking fun, he got out of math class because they want to linger write a program in the computer. At that time he used a computer is a computer with a General Electric Model 33 ASR Teletype terminal.

At that time the famous Lakeside School students engrossed in writing a computer program is Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Ric Weiland, and Kent Evans. The fourth student was subsequently banned by the school to use the computer again been caught developed a bug in the computer system. Before the four students was totally forbidden, by the school they were told to find the bug, but instead found a bug it but Bill Gates even to the office of the computer center and study the source code of programs that run on the system like FORTRAN, LISP and machine language.

From that knowledge of a programming language Bill Gates will evolve. In the following year, a programming company called Information Sciences, Inc. Hearing the expertise of these four friends and hired to write the payroll system program using COBOL language, besides getting royalties, they are also allowed to use the office computer as long as possible.In 1973 Bill Gates graduated from Lakeside School with an almost perfect score, then Bill Gates continued his education by studying at Harvard University, but Bill Gates is already busied himself with writing programming language so that his lecture at Harvard was no resumption. Gates was even more pleased to spend time with an old school friend Paul Allen ie.

In 1974 MITS Altair 8800 based on the Intel 8080 CPU has just launched , from which evolved the idea to set up a software company in cooperation with Paul Allen as his partner . Bill Gates contacted MITS and offers a BASIC -based operating system that can be used as a platform. MITS agreed. The first operating system named Altair Basic. And Bill Gates with Paul Allen gives the name of the software company under the name " Micro - soft " and hyphen was eventually eliminated in other time so that until now the "Microsoft " and Bill Gates became the biggest private shareholders .
Bill Gates married Melinda French on January 1 , 1994. It is said that the wedding party at a cost of up to trillions of dollars if dikurs it in dollars and Bill Gates memboking entire hotel in the city where he was married to the invitation.

From his marriage to Melinda , Bill Gates had three children named Katharine Gates ( born 1996) , Rory John Gates ( born 1999) , and Phoebe Adele Gates ( born 2002) . Bill Gates and Melinda is a very harmonious couple . Melinda is an intelligent woman , she realized that if her husband is not the man carelessly but a visionary in the field of software business so he too should be able to compensate.

Bill Gates and his wife and his children are inhabiting mansions overlooking Lake Washington in Medina area of ​​6100m² . The house is equipped seluas18m swimming poll , gymnasium area measuring 230m² and has a dining room which covers 93m² . The total value of the property is $ 125 million and he had to pay taxes every year for the mansion for $ 991,000 .
The home of Bill Gates in Seattle , built on 5 acres of land and swallowing 53 million dollars . In the house there are 7 bedrooms , 24 bathrooms with 10 of them very luxurious , 6 kitchens , 6 fireplace , cinema , library , playroom family , as well as health facilities . Cinema room of 1500 feet with 20 seats and popcorn machine . The indoor pool is equipped with underwater music system. The house is of course equipped with highly sophisticated computerized , many scattered fiber optic cable .

From 1993 to 2007 Bill Gates has always been named as the richest man on the planet with total assets had reached $ 101 billion , but its share price declined in 2000 because of the case of dot com . Pda in 2010 Bill Gates was defeated by a tycoon Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico , but the following year and until now he is back again ranks first .

Bill Gates is actually less comfortable with the title as the richest man in the world because it is very bothered him , he did not like the attention that arise as a result of the predicate. The most important thing for him is to always innovate and excel in the field.

After the success of Microsoftnya , Bill Gates also plunge as investors . And he also founded the charitable foundation of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

1. Bill Gates earns US $ 250 every SECOND, that's about US $ 20 million a day and US $ 7.8 billion a year!
2. If he drops US $ 1,000, he will not even bother to pick it up because the 4 seconds to take, he had earned the same amount.
3. The US national debt is around US $ 5.62 trillion, if Bill Gates were to pay that debt, he will finish it in less than 10 years.
4. He can donate US $ 15 to everyone in the world but can still leave US $ 5 million as an allowance.
5. Michael Jordan is an athlete who paid the most expensive in America. If he does not eat and drink and keep intact a year income amounting to US $ 30 million, he still had to wait 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates now.
6. If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the world's richest country to number 37 or so largest American company number 13, even more than IBM.
7. If all the money Bill Gates exchangeable into fractions of US $ 1, we can compile them into a road from earth to moon, 14 times back and forth. But to make that road non-stop for 1,400 years, and use a total of 713 Boeing 747 planes to transport all the money.
8. Bill Gates is now 40 years old. If we assume that he can live another 35 years, he has to spend US $ 6.78 million per day to spend all his money before he died.
9. But! If Microsoft Windows' users can claim US $ 1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will be bankrupt in 3 years!

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