Profile and Biography of Carlos Slim Helu

Name : Carlos Slim Helu

Date of Birth :   Januari  28 , 1940

Places of Birth : Mexico City

Zodiac : Aquarius

As the leader of telecommunications companies Telmex and America Movil with a total wealth in 2013 reached US $ 73 billion or equivalent to Rp 707 trillion .

Born in Mexico City in 1940 from immigrants Julian Slim Haddad and Linda Helu . Is a subsidiary to 5 of 6 siblings .
In 1967 married to Soumaya Domit and has 6 children that Carlos Jr. , Marco Antonio , Patrick , Soumaya Jr. , Vanessa and Johanna . His wife died in 1999 and until now Carlos not remarried .

Carlos learned at his father's business, the business talent began to emerge on him when he bought the stock Mexican Bank at the age of 12 years. When he was 17 years old he has earned 200 pesos a week. College majoring in civil engineering machine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Carlos started a career becomes a lady trader and established companies Broker. The company developed into a business investment, from construction services, manufactur to open a restaurant.

 1965 bought the company Jarritos del sur, next year already has a wealth of US $ 40 million. Construction, Real Estate and Mining is bisni are in focus at that time.
1976 Carlos opened a branch by buying 60% stake in the printing plant. 1980 shaping Galas Group as the parent company whose business covers construction, pertambanan, retail, food, and tobacco. 1982 Economy of Mexico rely on oil exports and Carlos began to open up a branch company in the oil sector.

1988 add copper and aluminum mill to its parent company . 1990 Carlo Group is the placement of his shares is concentrated in Mexico began to spread to the international world . And the same year Carlos purchase of French telecommunications company Telmex to be developed in Mexico , until in the end of 2006 90 % of Mexico using a telecommunications network Telmex .

 29 March 2007 Carlos passed Warren Buffett as the richest two with a total wealth of US $ 53 billion at that time .
8 August 2007 to become the world's richest man according to Forbes magazine , beating Bill Gates .
2008 to 2009 to the richest 2 right under the Bill Gates
2010 s / d now the richest man in the world by Forbes magazine with a total wealth of US $ 73 billion

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